Oestrus-inducing powder is a controversial product that claims to help women who are struggling with infertility or irregular menstrual cycles. Marketed as a natural supplement, the powder is typically made from a blend of herbs and other plant-based ingredients that are said to promote oestrus, or the period of sexual receptivity in female animals.

While some women swear by the product and have claimed to see positive results, others have raised concerns about its safety and efficacy. Critics argue that the powder is not backed by scientific research and may even be harmful to women’s health.

Despite these concerns, the product continues to be sold in some countries, particularly in Asia. Some experts believe that the popularity of oestrus-inducing powder is due in part to cultural beliefs about the importance of fertility and a desire to conceive.

Overall, the question of whether oestrus-inducing powder is a valid treatment for female infertility remains a contentious issue. While some women may find relief and support from using this product, others may be better served by seeking medical advice and incorporating other treatments into their approach to reproductive health.

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